Nina Wiesehomeier – Project coordinator

Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell
Saskia is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Radboud University in Nijmegen, NL. Her research interest lie in comparative politics, clientelism, populism, and Latin American studies. More specifically, Saskia focuses on the consequences of different political mobilization strategies on the quality of democratic governance. She has published articles in The Journal of Politics, Political Studies and Latin American Politics and Society.

Matthew M. Singer
Matthew is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Connecticut where he teaches about Latin American politics, election behavior, and political parties. His research focuses on electoral accountability and how the economic and political context shapes electoral behavior. Matthew is the co-editor of The Latin American Voter: Pursuing Representation and Accountability in Challenging Contexts
(University of Michigan Press) and has published numerous journal articles.

Kenneth Benoit
Ken is Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor of Computational Social Science, Singapore Management University. His methodological research focuses on computational, quantitative methods for processing large amounts of textual data, mainly political texts and social media. Substantively Ken’s research focuses on comparative party competition, including estimating policy positions of political parties through crowd-sourced data, expert surveys, manifesto coding, and text analysis.


We are very grateful to our country anchors who support us with their invaluable expertise on the party systems in question and general logistics.

Latin America

  • Brazil: Bruno Bolognesi (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
  • Chile: Fernando Rosenblatt (Universidad Diego Portales)
  • Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru: Miguel Centellas (University of Mississippi)
  • Colombia: Laura Gamboa (University of Utah)
  • Mexico: Aldo Martínez Hernández (Post-doc, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas)
  • Panama: Harry Brown (Centro Internacional de Estudios Políticos y Sociales)
  • Venezuela: Juan Manuel Trak Vásquez (Independent Consultant and Researcher) & Maryhen Jiménez (University of Oxford)

We also received valuable feedback on party lists from Andrés Malamud (Instituto de CiênciasSociais da Universidade de Lisboa) and Carlos Gervasoni (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) for Argentina, Francisco Sánchez López (Universidad de Salamanca) for Ecuador, Emilio Ruiz Galeano (Universidad de Salamanca) for Guatemala, and Carlos Barrachina (Universidad Anáhuac) for Honduras.

Middle East and North Africa

Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia: For our expansion into the MENA region we are fortunate to count on the collaboration of Abdelkarim Amengay (Doha Institute forGraduate Studies). Among other things, his expertise informed the adaptation of the questionnaire into the regional context.