Political Representation, Executives, and Political Parties Survey
PREPPS is an ongoing effort of collecting information on political parties and executives aroundthe world using expert surveys. You can find more information here.
PREOPOL – Populism: representation or polarization?
Recent electoral successes have propelled populist parties into national parliaments across the world. PREOPOL analyzes this populist representation in the Spanish legislature to unpack the impact of populist ideas on debate quality, descriptive and substantive representation, and social polarization. It therefore ties together different dimensions of parliamentary representation, combining literatures on populism and unequal representation that have so far operated in isolation. Using quantitative and qualitative text analysis of parliamentary debates, combining information of law proposals with public opinion data, and using survey experiments PREOPOL seeks to contribute to the debate on whether populism is a threat or corrective to democracy.
Principal Investigator: Nina Wiesehomeier. Research Team: Irene Menendez and Michael Becher (School of Politics, Economics & Global, IE University). Grant awarded by the Foundation Observatorio Social de “la Caixa” (Social Research Call 22), 99.964 €
Team Populism
Team Populism brings together renowned scholars from Europe and the Americas to study the causes and consequences of populism. We seek to answer why some populist parties, leaders or movements are more successful than others, understanding populism as a combination of individual and contextual issues (“demand side”) and the availability of successful leaders (“supply side”). For more information, see the Team’s webpage
Misinformation in Spain in the age of populism
Using survey experiments, this study examines characteristics of people susceptible to misinformation and if and how their general populist and conspiratorial predispositions interact to shape willingness to accept corrections, and what type of corrections may be successful. In addition, our experiments examine how characteristics of the misinformation itself affects people’s openness to corrective information.
Principal Investigator: Nina Wiesehomeier. Co-Investigator: D.J. Flynn (School of Politics, Economics & Global, IE University). Grant awarded by the Foundation Observatorio Social de “la Caixa” (Call 21 febrero 2019 – 04 marzo 2019), 23.250€
“Populism, political preferences and political representation: Party system changeafter the Great Recession” aims at analyzing the nature of the associations between populist attitudes and programmatic preferences, political values and socio-demographic characteristics, the direct and indirect effects of such attitudes on voting and electoral competition, and the degree of the association between populist attitudes, populist discourses and voting in different party systems. The project examines whether the ideological and programmatic orientation of the parties articulating populist discourses allows to predict the nature of the associations that take place in public opinions among populism, ideology, political attitudes, and voting.
Principal Investigator: Iván Llamazares Valduvieco, University of Salamanca (Spain). Grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation , 48.279€. (PGC2018-098207-B-I00)
Poder e Mul(j)er
This project addresses the conditions and implications of women´s political representation. How and why get women elected? What role does legislators’ gender play in the policies that they sponsor, in the committees on which they sit and in deputies’ perceptions of their roles as legislators? And what are the consequences of women’s representation for society and the quality of democracy? Although these questions have been examined in an array of countries around the world, this has often occurred in a piecemeal fashion and largely in the framework of single case studies. Mulh(j)er e Poder takes a comparative approach and will answer the above questions by applying an integrated theory of women’s representation to two critical cases, Portugal and Spain.
Principal Investigator: Nina Wiesehomeier. Research Team: Tània Verge (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Leslie Schwindt-Bayer (Rice University), Ana Espírito-Santo. Grant awarded by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology, 07/2013 – 12/2015, 77.950 €.
This project focuses on the symbolic dimension of political representation and seeks to answer the question: What impact(s) does increased women’s political presence have on the political attitudes and behavior of traditionally under-represented groups (women) as well as on over-represented groups (men)?. SIMBOLREP is complementary to the project Poder e Mulh(j)er.
Principal Investigator: Tània Verge (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Grant awarded by the SpanishMinistry for Economy and Competition, 1/01/2014 – 31/12/2015 (extended until 30/09/2015) 44.770,00 €, (FEM2013-45719-P)
Economic Crisis, Social Change and New Political Actors
A Comparative Analysis of the Politicization of Identity, European Integration and Immigration
Principal Investigator: Iván Llamazares (University of Salamanca). Grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competition (2013 Excellency call), 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2017, 49.610 € (CSO2013-47667-P)
New Political Conflicts and Party Strategies
Analysis of new political-cultural issues in interparty competition in Europe and Latin America. In particular, this project will examine the politicization of three types of conflicts relative to the character and limits of the political community: namely those linked to ethno-cultural identities, immigration and supranational integration.
Principal Investigator: Iván Llamazares (University of Salamanca). Grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competition, 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2013 (CSO-2010-15143)