We would like to thank the following colleagues and institutions for supporting us in our endeavor:

Policy dimensions
A special thanks to Jennifer Pribble (University of Richmond) and Sara Niedzwiecki (UC Santa Cruz) for their work on the questions regarding the universalistic welfare state for Latin America (only 2019 wave), to Yanina Welp (Geneva Graduate Institute) for suggestions on the wording on direct citizen participation, to Leslie Schwindt-Bayer (Rice University) and Tània Verge (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) for feedback on the wording for gender equality, to Jean-Christophe Boucher (University of Calgary), Nikitas Konstantinidis (IE University) and David Doyle (Oxford University) on trade, to Luicy Pedroza (GIGA Hamburg) on immigration, and to Kirk Hawkins (Brigham Young University) and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser (Universidad Diego Portales) for their feedback on discourse. Herbert Kitschelt graciously granted us permission to base our questions on exchange mechanisms and modes of party competition on the Democractic Accountability and Linkages Project. The POPPA survey team allowed us to use their Manicheanism item as a template.
We are grateful to Bruno Bolognesi (Universidade Federaldo Paraná) for his relentless support to get the Portuguese version into shape, to Yaz García and Juhem Navarro-Rivera (Socioanalitica) for doing the same with the Spanish version, to Maurits J.Meijers (Radboud University) for Dutch, Fabio Franchino (University of Milan) for Italian, Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc (University of Wrocław) for Polish.

Institutional Support
We would like to thank our own institutions for supporting this project. In Latin America we have been fortunate to be able to count on the support of the Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (Argentina), the Associação Brasileira da Ciência Política (Brazil), the Asociación Colombiana de Ciencia Política (Colombia), the Asociación de Ciencia Política del Paraguay (Paraguay), and the Asociación Uruguaya de Ciencia Política (Uruguay).

Research Support
We are also grateful for the skillful support received at various stages of this project: Ecab Amor, Oyku Aygul, Olivier Baeten, Aurora Dell’Elce, Veronika Dostálová, Vlastimil Havlík, Bojana Kocijan, Mayana Niebauer, Aron Szazsi, Sophie Verbeek.